
The government body of ACRP is the General Assembly and the Board of Directors. The daily management of the association is executed by the Secretariat.


General Assembly

The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the organization, in which all the members are represented. ACRP is fully owned by its members.

The ACRP General Assembly usually meets once per year, at the ACRP Annual event.

The role of the General Assembly is to define and monitor the main goals of the organization.


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the governance body managing the interests of the organization, in accordance with the directives of the General Assembly.


Mr. Ales Jakubík SSBK (Czech Republic)

Past President

Mr. Christian Tridon STRRES (France)


Mr. Leendert de Haan ARPHO (Spain)

Board member

Mr. Thomas Panourgias  PEDMEDE (Greece)

Board member

Mr. Tom Chr. Gefle  NFB (Norway)

Board member

Mr. Marco Götze BGib (Germany)

Board member

Mr. Michael Martens FEREB (Belgium)

Board member

Mr. Rafael Mancera REBET (Sweden)

Board member

Ms. Gitte Normann Munch-Petersen DANREP (Denmark)


The ACRP Secretariat works to provide support to members, following the guidelines of the Board of Directors and acts on behalf of organization towards Public Administrations and other stakeholders.

The Secretariat manages the regular activities and meetings of the organization.

The team of the Secretariat is provided by the company RABUSO, hired by ACRP for this purpose.

Secretary General

Jose Blanco, RABUSO (ES)