EUROBRIDGE 2023 is coming in April!


EUROBRIDGE is the conference that aims to put forward issues around engineering work maintenance in the respect of enviroment, and with an eye on the decrease of carbon footprint, as well as the training of new professionals in the sector. The event will take place on 14th April 2023 in Brussels.

The event will host 3 Roundtables: inspection and management, the enviromental impacts of bridges and new professions for bridge management. It will also include speeches by Christian Tridon (FIEC) and Philip Crampton (FIEC President), Sandra Freeman (Journalist) and MEP Dominique Riquet (member of the EP Transport Comittee).

Bridge maintenance, through the monitoring, diagnosis, and study of corrective actions it generates, give rise to new professions thats why will be necessary to adapt the current technicians and engineers training. Among many others, this will be the main theme of the event.
