We at ACRP wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year



From ACRP, the European Association for Construction Repair, reinforcement and Protection, we would like to extend our best wishes to all our collaborators, clients and partners. We wish them a prosperous 2025, full of success and achievements. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all our team, professional collaborators and colleagues in the sector who have been a fundamental part of this year. We face the next year with great enthusiasm and renewed energy, ready to take on new challenges.

This year has been very special for ACRP, The European Association for Construction Repair, reinforcement and protection, ACRP, had the pleasure of starting the year attending one of the world’s premier concrete and masonry trade shows, World of Concrete. 

In February we organised a meeting to be hosted by ECRCREDI, The European Council for Construction Research, and will bring together  members of our association, important institutions and important companies in the sector such as DG Mobility and TransportSINTEFFIECEBC and EFCA.

In April, we were present at  EUROBRIDGE, the European conference on maintenance and carbon impact challenges.


EUROBRIDGE 2024, Brussels


In April we also participate at the international event GIC 2024, at the Expo in Piacenza (Italy), was one of the largest European exhibitions dedicated to concrete, with more participants than ever before, especially from outside Italy. In July, we renewed the International Partner Agreement with RILEM, the International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials Systems and Structures.

Finally, after months of preparation and organisation, the day of the international event in collaboration with the Spanish association ARPHO finally arrived: The European Conference 2024: Repair, Reinforcement and Protection in Construction at CEDEX, Madrid. This meeting brought together speakers of high level and interest in the construction industry for a whole day. Both international and national speakers were able to present to approximately 200 attendees, who had access to simultaneous translation throughout the event.


European Conference 2024, Madrid

European Conference 2024, Madrid


Also, we were able to present our two new guides at the event, these are about: “Inspection and Repair of Bridges” and “Technologies of repair and reinforcement of concrete structures”. Both guides are available to read online on the official ACRP website.


Guide about “Inspection and Repair of Bridges”


Guide about “Technologies of repair and reinforcement of concrete structures”.


After a year of intense work, and not without first thanking once again all those who make our activity possible, we will take a few days of well-deserved rest. We inform you that our offices will be closed from 23 December to 6 January inclusive.

Happy Holidays to all of you!


The ACRP team.